Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yes divorce! I have heard it all and divorce is a common thing. The most import part is to figure out how is it going to be settled. If you are already being haunted by the IRS this needs to be decided quick. There are several things you need to know and it is all about paper work.....

1) Is all of the liability joint?
2) Are you sure you are going to divorce? When is it going to happen?
3) If it is happening, you will need legal separation papers.
4) Do you want to split the joint liability or will one spouse pay it all. GET IT IN WRITING!
5) When will the spouse move out?

Divorce is a rough time for everyone and the IRS does not make it easy. They will still want their money in full no matter the circumstances. If you receive letters concerning the IRS while going through the divorce and separation you will need to follow up. You only have certain periods of time to react to certain notices depending on the situation.

Make sure you consult a tax attorney or tax lawyer while going through the divorce to ensure that things are handled properly. You can also seek professional IRS help when trying to resolve matters with firms that will help guide you. You have different rights and solutions that you might not know or understand.

The biggest thing to know is how to prevent that wage levy from happening or hitting and getting your marriage to that level. Trust me when I tell you there are tax consultants and account executives out there that do this for a living that do want to help! We are on your side to protect you and educate you to see the light.

I hope this helped and please check out the other links. They may help as well and good luck!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Get help!

Let's face it we all have to pay taxes. We don't like it but we do. The IRS is out there to make sure we do. I hear it day after day that people have not filed in years. I am hear to tell ya that it is only time before the IRS will catch up to you.

For those of you that the IRS is contacting now, there are companies out there that can help. It can be very stressful to have them at your door wanting a payment and you don't know what options you have. You do have options that can help depending on your circumstances but you have to seek them and act fast. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse.

My goal in creating this blog is to help people who need some advice on how to get started. Maybe you have just getting letters, maybe you have gotten several letters, maybe no letters, or maybe you just got a wage levy. No matter where you are in the process, companies are designed to help you resolve the situation.

Everyone's situation is not the same so be careful when choosing the best thing for you. It is a stressful time so the first thing you hear might seem appealing but might not work for you. Always keep in mind that a mess is easy to get into but harder to get out of, so a simple solution may not always work.

Companies are set up to look into your information and recommend what to do in your best interest. If you go to the IRS and try to resolve the matter on your own, they do what is in their best interest. Get a payment! Companies look at your situation currently and see what options you have. The options the IRS does not want you to know about.

My best advice for this post is to get help when it comes to the IRS. Self representation is no representation. Companies can help. When choosing a company for this representation it is like anything in life - research it.

I have been in sales/consulting most of my career. I researched the companies I went to work for before I represented their products. I am sure you have done the same. It will make all the difference. Wal-mart, Gateway, Time Warner, and Effectur are among the companies and I can say I have been pretty happy.

Melissa, Effectur